
H125 - HB-ZPN

Date of arrival: February 2018

The B3e is a high-performance version of the first Ecureuil and is powered by an Arriel 2D turbine. The dual control channel of the Authority engine (FADEC) Full Digital and the hydraulics ensure the maximum safety of the helicopter. The B3e version was introduced at the end of 2011 and is a multi-mission helicopter designed for high-altitude transport flights. Manufacturer: Airbus (France)


Max weight: 2 250 kg
1 Turbomeca Arrius engine 2B
Engine power on take-off: 598 kW
Maximum speed (VNE): 287 km/h
Cruise speed: 250 km/h
Maximum range: 710 km
Total number of passengers (including the pilot): 6
